Sunday, November 9, 2014

3rd Eye Compass author Marisa G. Stephens

here is a 3rd eye key i created applying toltec, element direction ,and common issue related to that element-try it-it works ;)
purchase book here ;)


future influence
never assume


future influences
don't take it personal


past events
speak impeccable


do your best
future influences

by request from many past coworkers,friends and clients here is a basic crash course knowledge on metaphysics. The perfect pocket book to keep on hand on those odd questions we ask ourselves as we walk through everyday life. Anything from animal meanings to food to trees and flowers. Plenty of spaces to add your own personal notes-i encourage it!Even more chapters on crystal, candles and oils and so much more. This whole book is based on knowledge from my own personal experience over the course of 26 years of living on my own and conversations at the busstop over the years with customers or coworkers that have crossed my path in life.

This book is so simple to understand-simple content page and the chapters are in A-Z order like a dictionary.That's it! enjoy!!

Namaste Holistic Street Counselor aka Mama Coco 216(onfacebook) owner of Angel Compass Products & Services (on facebook) author of 3rd Eye Compass Book(2nd facebook fan page) the journey(1st fanpage 3rd eye compass author BnB Witch aka M.G.S.)

 Table of Contents
Chapter 1 Animals.................................................................................................................................................1
Weekly Knowledge...............................................................................................................................................34
DAILY PRACTICES...............................................................................................................................................35
Daily Baths.......................................................................................................................................................37
Crystals and Stones...............................................................................................................................................38
Traditional Birth Stone Chart...........................................................................................................................39
Stones and Crystals by Color...........................................................................................................................40
Stones and Crystals by Shapes.........................................................................................................................41
Traits and Properties of Stones and Crystals ..................................................................................................42
Bonus: Metals..................................................................................................................................................46
Shapes, Symbols and Objects ............................................................................................................................47
The Body and Basic Meanings of the Chakra........................................................................................................59
Basic Information on the Chakra.....................................................................................................................59
Parts of the Body And their Meanings.............................................................................................................61
Plants & Trees..................................................................................................................................................64
Flowers by the Month ........................................................................................................................65
This is very interesting to me!.........................................................................................................................85
More meaningful Trees......................................................................................................................89
BONUS: SMELLS..........................................................................................................................98
Oils and Candles.................................................................................................................................................101
Candle Colors..............................................................................................................................................105
Basic Interpretation of a seven day candles..................................................................................................109
Blast Number Page-the basic meaning behind numbers 1-7!.............................................................................116
Numerology chart..........................................................................................................................................117
Numerology Meanings..................................................................................................................................118
Planets and Zodiacs............................................................................................................................................119
The influences by nature, for each Planet.....................................................................................................120
Basic information on Zodiac Signs......................................................................................................................123
Moon Influences on Zodiacs..........................................................................................................................126
Moon Castings...............................................................................................................................................129
The Interpretation of tarot cards........................................................................................................................130
The Suites......................................................................................................................................................130
Major Arcane.................................................................................................................................................132
Minor Arcana.................................................................................................................................................138
Wand, Rods or Staffs................................................................................................................................138
3rd Eye Compass
3rd Eye Compass the Mission
To help the world listen to everyday signs that Spirit/Divine is
trying to tell us, whether it be a confirmation, message or
You never know what Spirit/Divine sign will be found or given
that can relate to a piece of the puzzle and make a moment or a
thought yet complete. This can leave one with relief
and comfort to aiding in opening their own personal 3rd Eye
experience, while maintaining living in their own personal truth.
3rd Eye Compass is based according to my personal 3rd Eye life
experiences, which I have passed on to many who have received
great results when dealing with confirmation, validation, or
(a key to the third eye)
Text and editing by:
Marisa Gumercinda Stephens
aka Mama Coco
Copyright 2011 by Marisa Gumercinda Stephens
All rights reserved-no part of this publication may be reproduced in
any form unless written permission by author.
Chapter 1 Animals
In this chapter it will give you some
basic spiritual meanings of animals.
You can apply this to either literally
the animal sense-or you can apply it to
animal shapes you receive as a gift
such as a pendent or statues or even
see a animal out of its habit in your
everyday atmosphere.
Alligator= (crocodile) aggression, survival,
Illustration 1: Black Mamba (Photo by MGstephens)
adaptability, creation, primal strength,
guardian of knowledge, renewal, life forces
Angelfish= guardianship, assistance,
Alpaca= conserve, to help carry heavy
Ant= prudence, fright, time to get creative,
organization, humility, frugality, team
Armadillo= thick skin, gentle, slow, active
moving, reserved, nocturnal, protection
Baboon= family, sacred, resolving within
family, grounding
Badger= cunning, prosperity, selfsatisfaction,
aggressive, single minded,
Bass= union of male and female, balance,
sacred, magical, new opportunities,
Bat= good luck, night protection, happiness
in wealth, long life, good health, rebirth,
of the night, cleaner
Bear= bravery, warrior, memory, instincts,
communication, determination, power,
adaptability, (bear paw) courage, mobility
and strength
Beatles= protection, sneak
attack,seasonal, survival
Beaver= builder, gather
Bee= sweet pain of love, aphrodisiac,
symbol of abundance, Promised Land,
protection, thrift
Bird= memory, mental powers, messenger
from above, strength, life spirit, victory
Blue Bird= big message from above,
transformation, passage into happiness and
Black Bird= intelligence, somber, mystical,
Black Widow Spider= bit, weaving of new
Boar= (including wart hogs and pigs)
fertility, fidelity, strength, family, protection,
Bobcat= fierce, loner, intensity
Buffalo/Bison= sacredness, life builder,
plenty, prosperity
Bull/Ox= creation, courage, agriculture,
patience, chastity, self-sacrifice, ego,
endurance, strength, power, fertility,
Butterfly= transformation, creation, new
beginnings, happiness in marriage
Camel= temperance, sobriety, obedience,
humility, dignity, royalty, stamina, divine
of the center, weary, enduring, longevity
Canary= good fortune, happiness, harmony
Carp= luck, fate, endurance, courage,
perseverance, success, achievement that will
Cat= liberty, guardian, good luck, fertility,
good vision, independence, grace, healing
Catfish= inspiration and guidance
Caterpillar= good luck, new birth, creative,
inspiration, protection
Centipede= new movement into psychic
connection and relationships, protection
psychic deceptions.
Chameleon= guards against evil, health,
increases sexual drive
Chimpanzee= self-awareness, protective,
nurturing and caring
Chipmunk= childlike, child’s play
Cock/Rooster= courage, honesty,
protection, confidence, pride, kindness,
counteraction of evil, influences of darkness
Cow= female power, motherhood, mother
earth, abundance, patience, stoicism
Cougar= leadership and courage
Coyote= mischief, crazy wisdom, ability to
laugh at one’s self, world order, insight
Crab= hidden, protective,sensitivity
Crayfish= bravery towards fears
Crane (white) = longevity, honor,
spiritual, justice, awakens, moral beliefs,
family, solitude, independence
Cricket/Grasshopper= abundance, good
luck, courage, inner voice, delights of
Crow= sacred law, change,monogamy
Deer/Elk= sacrifice, moderation, survival,
grace, appreciation for beauty of balance,
gratitude, generosity, love, gentleness,
Dolphin= speed love, prudence, salvation,
gathering wisdom, playful, bridge that
ocean and man together
Dingo/Dog= loyal, companion, protection
Donkey= humility, peace, courage,
meekness, gentleness
Dove= love, peace, spirit, renewal,
innocence, protection, longevity, gentleness
Dragon Fly= swift action, summer,
Eagle= balance, dignity with grace, ability
to see larger picture, knowledge, hard work,
intuition, and creativity, divine spirit,
connected to the heavens
Earthworm= working old ground
Eels= great depths ad epic journeys,
transformation, male sexual attraction,
wealth and good
Elephant= dignity, strength, patience,
wisdom, good luck, happiness
Emu= wandering spirit, fatherhood, faithful
for personal needs, caution, justice, health,
creation, magical powers
Ermine= morality, innocence, purity,
justice, good luck
Falcon= creativity, victory, healing powers,
harmony, larger site, grace, telepathic,
Ferret= hidden meanings, connected with
Finch= happiness
Fireflies= (lighting bugs) spiritual
inspirations and hope, trust your own
rhythm both in
physical and mental
Fish= freedom, wealth, love, prosperity,
mercy, unconscious mind, creativity,
Flamingo= healing, flirting through the
heart, cleansing
Fly= unity, strength, sacred, heed caution
Fox= wisdom, longevity, transformation,
sly, good luck, clever, observant, invisibility,
protection, cunning, provider, intelligence
Frog= faithful lover, safe returns, good
luck, inspiration, attracts friend, healing,
healing connections with water
Gazelle= light footed, inner most heart,
keen sight, beauty, swift, contemplation
Giraffe= watchfulness, mobility, strong
will, sacrifice, higher self, vitality
Goat= truth of faith, lost, unsaved,
Goldfish/Core= peace and prosperity-
must be pointing up
Goose= faithful, traveler, communicative,
one who delivers a message
Gorilla= brute strength, nobility,
generosity, protection, teacher, adapt
Grizzle Bear= hunter, natures pharmacist
Groundhog= prepare, survival, hindering
Guinea pig= new realms, kindred spirits
Hawk= message to come from a distance,
all seeing, illumination, stopper of time
Hedgehog= mother goddess, touch,
protection, wealth, predicts weather
Heron= knowledge, helps to slow down and
contemplate life
Hippopotamus= help in childbirth, brute,
strength, higher grace, were water and earth
meet for survival
Horse= courage, happiness, swiftness of
life’s power, expanding own abilities,
team work, stamina, mobility, strength
Hummingbird= messenger, stopper of
Hyena= over worked, caution to those
around you who wish for you to fall
Iguana= bravery, thick skin, longevity,
Jackal= guardianship in new realms and
Jaguar= wisdom of earth, gives future,
speed, grace, strength
Jellyfish= caution when working with
higher power, growth through divine labor
Jumping Spider= safe time to leap on
creative ideas and colorful opportunities
Kangaroo= food, abundance, fun loving
Komodo dragon= strong survival tips in
instincts and impulses, longevity
Koala bear= protection, slow down,
Ladybug= a wish come true
Lion= strength, loyalty, pride, courage,
protection, justice in law, power, respect
Lizard= rebirth, faith, enlighten, wisdom,
health, protection, good fortune, agility,
Lobster= to see beyond, town folk, to grasp,
Loon= solitude, song, romance
Magpie= good fortune, good news, joy,
guest coming
Manatee= trust, calm, gentleness, peaceful,
Mastodon= lumbering giant
Mole= earths energy and knowledge,
procreation, healing
Monkey/Ape= sex, cunning, mischief,
loyal, protection, family, health, success,
playfulness, agility
Mountain Lion= personal power,
steadfastness, higher inner spirit, loyalty,
Mouse= timid, sneaky, secretive
Muskrat= maneuvering through emotional
astral and spiritual waters
Nocturnal birds= persistence, diligence
Orangutan= see monkey/ape
Orca= focus, power
Ostrich= enjoy little things
Otter= laughter, curiosity, truth, patience
Owl= wisdom, sorcery, transformation,
comfort, guardian, messenger to the higher
perseverance, loyal, death messenger,
possible evil around, warning
Panda= playful, kindness, longevity
Peacock= protection, watchful,
compassion, grief
Pegasus= carrier of lighting
Pelican= watchful, grace, parental love,
resurrection, self-sacrifice
Penguins= faithful lover, fatherhood,
playful, loving
Pheasant= perseverance, confidence,
Pig= hunger, intelligence
Platter puss= discover your own meaning
to life
Polar Bear= spirit of the north, holds
ancient wisdom, shamanic powers, fearless
Porcupine= innocence, child-like, trust
Possum= watch your money
Quail= sacred spiral, holy, ceremonial
Rabbit= fertility, renewal, diligent service,
wisdom, protects against evil, irony,
alertness, resourceful
Raccoon= generosity, sharing,
determination, sharing, provide, shy
Ram= male strength, aggressive, spring,
regeneration, new beginnings, teacher,
Raptor= speedy thief
Rat= happiness, wealth, augury, wisdom,
charm, prosperity
Rattlesnake= healing, transformation,
lucid dreams, opens doors between life and
which in return helps in the mid realm,
guardianship, helps aiding seeing others
auras, alert
before action
Raven= prophecy, wisdom, fertility,
thought, memory, message, magic, sorcery,
Rhino= durability, strength
Roadrunner= speed, agility, cleverness
Rock Bass= see fish
Salmon= instinct, go getter, determination
Sea turtle= preserver to achieve, hearing,
heightening senses, balance
Scorpion= self-protection against enemies,
Shark= hunter, survival, protection, to face
all evil and win, power of love and inner
Skunk= wary, conspicuous, intense
Sheep= artistic temperament and harmony
Snails= protection for children, vulnerable,
emotions and spirit
Snake= guardians, good health, healing,
protection, watchfulness, wisdom, mysteries
of life,
Spider= protective, money, good luck, web
of life, determination, intelligence, creative,
pattern of life
Squirrel= trusting, innocence, preparing
for hard times ahead
Squid= shape shifting, body language
Stag/Hart= regeneration, wisdom,solitude,
purity, happiness
Starfish= thriving love
Stork= child’s gratitude, chastity, purity,
vigilance, prudence, strength
Swallow= hope, fertility, renewal of life,
power, illumination, good luck
Steer Skull= silent testimony
Swan= feminine beauty, nobility, grace,
purity, courage, union, balance, breath
Tarantula= angels of the above, life in
energy, growth, new beginnings
Thunderbird= caller of rain
Tiger= royalty, power, protection,
enthusiasm, generosity, physical strength,
attacks, guards against chaos
Turkey= fertility, self-sacrifice, smart,
Turtle= self-contained, creative force,
healing, longevity, faithful
Unicorn= redemption, salvation
Vole= brings message, completeness, new
Vulture= protection from poison,
Wasp= protection, dreams fulfilled through
practical efforts
Water Buffalo= great strength, hard
Weasel= stealth, hidden talents, observe
Whale= regeneration, power, wisdom,
Wolf= love, valor, victory, spiritual guide,
insight, revelation, light, loyalty, success,
perseverance, (wolf paw) freedom, success,
Yellow Jacket= getting grounded, watch
our angry
Zebra= agility never through strength,
brings success within group settings,
family, alert
Zuni Bear= good health
Weekly Knowledge
Some basic key notes about each day of the
week. Such as………….
…color of the day
…traits of the day
… Ruling planet of the day
… Planet color
…day attitude
… Daily baths
• Practice intuition.
• Great day to be creative, try wearing the color or orange when creating.
• Color of the day is white.
• Ruling planet is Moon-color yellow.
• Day attitude-try practicing peacefulness.
• Aggression and passion are favored on this day.
• Try to never travel on this day.
• Color of the day is red.
• Ruling planet is Mars-color orange.
• Day attitude is-watch your temper.
• Practice communication.
• Send a message to a dear one.
• Color of the day is yellow.
• Ruling planet is Mercury-color blue.
• Day attitude-it all about conversations, speak impeccable.
• Watch over spending on this day.
• Good day for adventure.
• Color of the day is purple.
• Ruling planet is Jupiter-color blue.
• Day attitude-good day to deal with business or business travel.
• It’s about money matters.
• Great day to practice the arts-a day of beauty.
• Color of the day is blue.
• Ruling planet is Venus-color yellow.
• Day attitude-all about love.
• A day to practice responsibility.
• Take care of tasks of the past.
• Color of the day is green.
• Ruling planet is Saturn-color green.
• Day attitude-take care of past concerns.
• A day to practice rest and healing.
• A day to practice spirituality and to send off wishes.
• Ruling planet is Sun-color orange.
• Color of the day is orange.
• Day attitude is relaxed.
BONUS: Element and color by season
Daily Baths
Take a bath prior to sleep, secures prophetic dreams.
Take bath anytime, increases passion/heed caution.
Take bath anytime, strengthens intellect.
Take bath anytime; put pennies in tub to help bring money your way.
Take bath anytime, helps find love r strengthens the love you have, try
putting a rose quartz in
Take bath anytime, brings patience and thought of the past. Put lemon slices
in the tub.
Sunday Take bath anytime, helps with strength and health. Put a piece of
brick in bath.
Crystals and Stones
Traditional Birth Stone Chart
Basic references, on common stones and crystals.
Shapes and colors
BONUS PAGE: metals
Have you ever wonder what your birthstone
meant or why
you were drawn to a certain stone or crystal?
This chapter should be of help to you.
Traditional Birth Stone Chart
January garnet constancy
February amethyst sincerity
March aquamarine courage
April diamond innocence
May emerald love, success
June pearl longevity
July ruby contentment
August peridot happiness
September sapphire clear thinking
October opal hope
November topaz fidelity
December turquoise prosperity
Stones and Crystals by Color
Red= aggressive, protective, courage, banishes anger and negative
emotions, keeps thoughts
Pink= loving vibrations
Orange= gentler then fire red
Yellow= expressing yourself, communication
Green= healing while visualizing, money, grounding and balance
Blue= sleep, peace promoting and healing
Purple= head emotions, spiritual and receptive
White= psychic powers, sleep, good fortune, protection after dark
Black= stability, self-control, protective, helps the day dreamer
Stones and Crystals by Shapes
Round= receptive powers
Long and narrow or thin= phallic energy, energy stones
Egg= creativity, fresh ideas
Square= prosperity, stability, concentration
Heart= draws love or magnifies
Triangular= protection for home (place in window) or place dollar bill
under neath it to bring money in home
L shape found= good fortune
Pyramid= releases energy for goals (place a dollar beneath it and brings
Diamond Cut= attracts riches
Traits and Properties of Stones and Crystals
(Stones and crystals can always be used as gratitude rock)
Agate= truth, agreeable, ensures favors, good for children or the elderly,
for gardening,
amiable, success, complexion, strength, courage, healing, protection, longevity
Alexandrite= rare, luck, love, good fortune
Amazonite= gambling, success, unity with life, called the hope stone
Amber= cycles time, tree sap, longevity, home sickness, children health,
fertility, personal
powers, friends, companions, happiness, clarity, increases pleasure and
enjoyment, magnetic
Amethyst= dreams, peace, forgiveness, calming, truth, wisdom, mental
powers, goals,humility, aids older women in child conceiving
Apache Tear= protection and good luck
Aquamarine= clarity, alert, soothing, calming, protection around
water, strengthens happiness in relationships
Bloodstone= barriers are aided in breaking down, stops bleeding,
courage, rids fear and
anger, victory in legal matters, childbirth, wealth
Carnelian= artist stone, calms negative emotions, peace, harmony, selfconfidence,
sexual, stimulation
Cats Eye (tiger eye) = beauty, protection, calms stubbornness,
wealth, guardian,mental health
Coral= attracts men, protection around water, change, dispels negative
Diamond= natural diamond that is six sided provides protection
Emerald= money, love, psychic, relaxing, perfect for sales person
Fluorite= mental powers, perceptive, calms negative emotions
Fossils= amplifies energy, defenses, protection, guardian from weather
Garnet= protection against thieves at night, good health while traveling
Geodes= meditation, love, childbirth, concentration
Hematite= grounding, focus, healing, healthy blood
Howlite= aids in sleep and darkness
Holy (holey) Stones= eyesight, protection over nightmares
Jade= sacred, attracts love, prosperity, mental powers, wisdom, protection
Jasper= luck, protection, mental processes, childbirth
Jet= health, travel, growth
Lapis Lazuli= royalty, emotional balance, soothing, gentleness, aids
improves and lifts spiritual and emotional conditions, lovers stone, protection
for children,courage, psychic abilities are increased
Malachite= business success, protection, helps to love, calming
Moonstone= bring in love, aids in sleep, protection around water,
helps in business decisions
Mother of Pearl= protection of babies, wealth, ocean qualities
Obsidian/Flint= healing, spiritual, protection, grounding
Onyx= courage, protection, sexual control
Opal= good luck, prosperity, encompassing, psychic powers, beauty
Pearl= love, courage, protection, happy marriage
Peridot/Olivine= attracts money and luck, relieves depressions
Petrified Wood= protection, enjoyment, longevity
Pumice= letting go, childbirth
Quartz= brings rain, psychic powers, spirit and intellect
Ruby= strength, home guardian, success, wealth, joy, uplifting, will power,
rids fear, sleep,confidence
Sard= good fortune, love, woman’s stone, protection, personal powers,
Sapphire= love, wisdom, peace, psychic powers, cools anger, legal
matters, healing,prosperity
Serpentine= enhances meditative state
Sugilite= wisdom, psychic powers, healing
Topaz= uplifts to help promote love and mental health, balance, healing
negative emotions,prosperity
Turquoise= courage, healing, happiness, attracts love and happiness,
even tempered,health, luck
Tourmaline= energy, protection, courage, love, friendship, sympathy,
will power,creativity, calm, peace, stills the mind
Bonus: Metals
Aluminum= money, metal abilities
Brass= protection, money, healing
Copper= balancing, healing emotions and joints, love, peace, prosperity,
mental clarity
Gold= energy, power, courage, success, confidence, will power, guardian,
protection,wisdom, helps sexual balance
Iron= rain bringer, protection, healing, strength
Lead= acceptance, helps focus and keep mind stable
Silver= wholeness, balance, receptive, intuitive, introspective, reflective,
Shapes, Symbols and Objects
Have you ever received that
odd gift and wonder what it means or
been drawn to it?
This chapter should
help you.
Anchor= salvation, hope, steadfast, stable, to halt
Angel= messenger of the above (universe), protection, guidance
Ankh= male and female, eternal life, universe, power, air, water,
peace, truth, key of life
Apron= work, rank, motherhood, trade, craftsmanship
Arrow= heart, war time, swiftness, decision making, clarity,
Automobile= self-control, freedom
Ax= fertility, power, break through
Bath= regenerating, cleansing
Bed= rest, renewal, intimacy
Bell= positive law, pet protection, purification
Belt= protection, fate, cyclical power, to complete a journey, self
Book= wisdom, knowledge, curiosity, to open the heart, to bring
higher levels
Bottle cap= to preserve
Brooch= faithfulness, protection, rank, virginity
Broom= female magic, cleanliness, protection, sacred power
Buckle= security, safety, rank, secure, protection
Button= protection, rank, to adore
Basket= wholeness, togetherness, woman’s domain, leaving
worries behind (place at foot of steps)
Bubbles= illusion
Candle= faith, light of the above, offering, blessing, praise and
Candle holder= salvation, courage, watchful eye from above
Carpet= family tradition
Yellow throw rug= office
White= library
Red= master bedroom
Black= kitchen
Green= kids room or bathroom
Blue= laundry room
Purple= master bedroom
Violet= living room-As a thank you to a host, give a round rug.
Castle= protection, destiny, fulfilled, intention, desire to achieve
one’s goals
Chain= ties and bonds, communication and command
Chair= rest, rank, position, leader
Checker board= rhythm, cycle, design, chance, unity of
Chess= discipline, intelligence, foresight
Chisel= piecing, intellect, separate
Clock or watch= new beginnings, opportunity, time, to
Coat/Cloak= rank, commitment to power or to one’s self,
surrender, receiving power and wisdom from a master
Club= power, knowledge, powers of good and evil
Comb= dispels evil, royalty, controls storms t seas,
communication to the stars
Coffer (a sealed box) = fates timing, treasure
Compass= direction, life, knowledge
Crown= loyalty, rank, family, to keep order
Cross= forgiveness, four elements=earth, wind, fire and air
Copper molds (of any kind) = love, healing, to connect
Child= innocence, nonaggression, purity, self-contained
Caduceus= harmony, balance, union, dualism with balance
Chevron= water, beginnings
Circle= cycle, unity, ideal self, balance, protection
Celtic cross= life, male and female merging together
Cube= four elements= air, water, fire and earth, wisdom, truth,
moral perfection
Cork= strength, protection, to preserve
Dice= chance, fate, irresistible, indestructible, sun
Drums= mother earth, worship, communicate, harmony
Door= passage, hidden mystery, challenge, freedom to
Dragon= wisdom, power, health, joy, protection, forgiveness
Dancing figures= self-expression, to live life, to
communicate with the stars
Dot= center, protection, manifestation, harmony, creativity
Earrings= headaches, eyesight, guardian
Fairy= great riches, latent possibilities
Fan= protection, royalty, smoothing out fire, tantalize
Fatima Hand= protection, watchful eye
Feathers= healing, pleasure, protection, good fortune,
communicate, rank
Finger nail polish= satisfies needs, protection, to adore
Flaming torch or Flame= flame of love, forgiveness, truth,
courage, purification
Flower crown= to adore, to express love, rank, royalty, loyalty
Gem= desires, truth, essence
Glove= calm, peace, nobility, giving and excepting a challenge,
stillness, protection, to hide, rank
Goblet/Chalice= union, faithfulness, worship, celebration,
wrath and grace
Griffin= guards treasure, strength, watchful eye
Hat= rank, protection, to think, to honor
Hopi Hand= life, creative, healing
Jar= preserve, protect, gainful future
Key= liberation, unlocking secrets or to hold them, happiness,
solutions, rank
Lighting/Lighting bolt= fertility, dynamic creativity,
enlightens awaken, sudden
Lipstick/lip-gloss/makeup= protection, good eyesight,
keep evil away
Marbles= chance, playful times
Maze/labyrinth= discovering oneself, to finds ones way in
Mortar with Pestle= male and female energy, change,
Mermaid= power over nature, female beauty, unconscious,
protector of the sea
Moon= paradise, completeness, unity, pure, emotion, death,
rebirth, dignity, female energy
Neptune’s Trident= authority and power
Obelisk (rays of the sun) = sun, earth, sky, connection,
phallic,blessings, welcoming
Pegasus= inspiration, evil into good, speed, air transport
Perfume/oils= virtues, spiritual perfection, light, air,
emotions and desires are aroused
Phoenix= recreation from destruction, excitement, inspiration
Pyramid= enlightens
Psyche= soul, breath of life, immortal love, thinking and feeling
Rainbow= promise, divine power, perfect union, manifestation
Rattle= communication with the stars, protection, to induce a
trace,good fortune, healing
Red tape= confrontation, limits, acceptance
Ribbon= generosity, perfection, reward, victory, fulfillment
Shells= stability, birth, life, love, womb, woman, travel,
Sieves/Sifters/Colanders= aids nightmares, protection
Spiral= creative force, fertility, development, energy for
spiritual and physical flow
Star= eyes of the night, wisdom, divine presence
Sun= spiritual self, intellect, hope, new beginnings, creative
healing, protection, success, illumination, magical energy, physical
Sunglasses= protection-insight
Square= balance of four element (earth, air, fire, water),
Teddy Bear= comfort, companionship, protection,
Triangle= aspiration, ambitions being reached
Umbrella= protection, honor, elevation, dignity, class
Unicorn= purity, female, fertility, healing, longevity, chastity,
Vase= miracles, receptive to the stars
Veil= to morn, knowledge, truth, protection
Wand/Scepter= magical knowledge, power, conductor of
Windmill= spirit, harvest, woman, life, vitality, temperance
Wood= beginning of life, spring time, wisdom, protection,
Wings= protection, strong will, to lift ones spirits
The Body and Basic Meanings of the Chakra
Basic Information on the Chakra
7th chakra= OM-head, crown, pure and sounded
awareness,understanding thought, consciences,
union, purple, violet, white
6th chakra= SHAM- brow, seeing, intuition,
insight, light,realization, indigo
5th chakra= HAM- throat, communication,
creativity, speaking ones truth, creative
expression, knowledge, abundance, blue
4th chakra= YAM- chest area, love, relationships,
compassion,balance, self-love, faith, duty,
devotion, green
3rd chakra= RAM- solar plexus, energy, will,
personal power, self esteem,
strength, immortality, authority, fame, will,
2nd chakra= VAM- hip area, movement and flow,
emotions,sexuality, family, orange
1st chakra= LAM- base of spine, grounding,
foundation, basic survival, work, home, family,
structure, trust, nourishment,security, red
Parts of the Body And their Meanings
Ankle= artful, love making, heighten
consciousness, arrival and departure
Arm/Wrist= strength, power. Help, protection.
Justice,accomplishment, yielding and receiving
Ear= wisdom and longevity,
obedience,understanding, pledging
and assignment, celibacy, sex
Eye= right eye= active left eye= passive 3rd eye=
present Inward vision, protection, divine essence, divine
Face= energy’s image, revealed ego, thought and
feelings, good and evil
thumb= physical and mental, strength, powers,
ruler of Venus
Index= life, master speech, judgment, decision,
balance, silence, self majesty,ruler of Jupiter
Middle= death, speech, itself, ruler of Saturn
Ring= sexual desire plus appetite, ruler of the Sun
Little= possession of life’s force, ruler of Mercury
Foot/Foot prints= presence of energy, sense of
reality, stability,kingship, power, head of body,
free will for good or ill, strength of the soul
Hair= protection, sacred, strength, intimacy,
sacrifice, surrender,power, distinguishing mark
shaved head=ones with the stars,dwelling of the
Hand= starting, completing, manifestation, left hand=
justice and
power, future, closed hand= secrecy, hand raised with
fingers upward
and palm out= no fear, divine strength, knowledge,
right hand= past
Head= spirit, driving force, active principal
Teethe= keyboard of health, protection
Mouth/Tongue= protection, speak impeccable, to
Hand shake= agreement, greeting, challenge
Clap= acknowledge, praise, celebration, to honor

Plants & Trees
Have you ever wonder why you were drawn to a certain flower?
Have you ever wonder why you received a certain type of plant for
a gift?
Have you ever wonder why a certain tree stands out to you?
This chapter
should be of help to you.
Flowers by the Month
JANUARY= carnation/ snowdrop
FEBRUARY= violet/ primrose
MARCH= daffodil/ jonquil
APRIL= daisy/sweet pea
MAY= lily of the valley/ hawthorn
JUNE= rose/ honeysuckle
JULY= larkspur/ water lily
AUGUST= gladiolus/poppy
SEPTEMBER= aster/ morning glory
OCTOBER= calendula/ cosmos
NOVEMBER= chrysanthemum
DECEMBER= narcissus/ holly
African violet= peaceful, spiritual, place in
Apple Blossom= temptation, divination, to show
interest in someone
Aster= means star, aspirations and thoughts
Azalea= womanhood
Buckeye= attracts money, luck, wards off aches
and pains
Camellia= purity, unique woman,
perfect,loveliness, good luck,stead fast
Calendula= for luck and money
Carnation= means flesh, passion, admiration,
love, a mother’s love
Cosmos= order and harmony
Chamomile= energy, calms, aids in sleep
Chrysanthemum= meditation, happiness, easy
retirement,perfection, sun, longevity
Corn flower= healing, protection, encourages,
psychic powers
Crocus= marriage, passion, bring love and peace
Cyclamen= protection while you sleep, farewell to
Daffodil= pregnancy announcement, beginnings,
spring, new start
Daisy/Marguerite= innocence, good health
Day Lily= fleeting beauty, carefree, mother
Dandelion= good thoughts towards loved ones,
timeless love,faithfulness
Elder= protection, cleansing, keeps negativity
Forget-me-Nots= helps vision, remembrance,
thank you, true love
Fuchsia= anxiety, confiding love
Germanium= sweet and sensuous, healing,
balance, comforting,can be foolish, well being,
Honeys suckle= generosity, we belong together
Hollyhock/Mallow= forgiveness, peace,
tranquility, humility,productivity, ambition
Iris= bridge between man and energy, power,
faith, wisdom, valor,light, hope, grace, solitary,
beauty, message, promise
Jasmine= intense love, good fortune, enhances
love, modesty but yet sexual
Lavender= stimulating, calming, refreshing,
loyalty, undying love
Lilac= chastity, truth in love, good luck
Lily= innocence, charity, mercy, perfection, purity,
goodness,strong power
Lily of the Valley= reconciliation, happiness,
victory of temptation
Lotus= fertility, sun, moon, world, mystery, truth,
creation,perfection, purity
Lupine= mental powers, lights of fancy, cheerful
Marigold= jealousy, hard times, sun, love
Morning Glory= good-bye, time
Narcissus= honoring the deed, joyous, egotism
and its efforts
Orchid= chastity, fertility, love, beauty, favors,
Pansy= thought, thoughtfulness, good luck for
Periwinkle= sweet memories, devotion
Poppy= imagination, dreaminess, oblivion, rest,
Primrose= love, youth, entice, enchant, changes
with circumstances
Rose= love, desire, beauty, kept a secret, charity,
resurrection,wisdom, union between sexes,
caution, rebirth
Sunflower= energy’s love, nobility, art, victory,
longevity, prayer
Tulip= mysterious power, abundance, perfect love
Violet= returned love, modesty, faithfulness,
business meeting
Here are some tree meanings that go along
with some birth dates.
This can also apply to your everyday life
Apple Tree= December 23 through January 1 or
June 24 through July 4
The love tree= traits this person may carry= slight
build, charming,
attraction, flirtatious, sensitive, always in love or
being in love with
the idea, faithful, generous, lives in the moment,
carefree,philosopher with imagination.
Ash Tree= May 25 through June 3 or November
22 through December 1
The tree of ambition= traits this person may
attractive, impulsive, can be demanding, dislikes
ambitious, intelligent, talented, tends to play with
fate, maybe egotistic, reliable and trustworthy,
faithful and prudent lover, brain
at times over rules the heart, but takes
partnership seriously.
Beech Tree= December 23 through December 31
The tree of being creative= traits this person may
good taste,
concerned about their looks, materialistic,
organized with life and career, budgets well,
leader, dislikes unnecessary risks, reasonable,
good companion for life, active and fit.
Birch Tree= June 24th through June 30th
The tree of inspiration=traits this person may
elegant, friendly, never pretentious,
modest,dislike too much of anything, enjoys life
and nature=the calm, lacks being very
passionate, lots of imagination, little ambition,
creates calmness in atmosphere.
Cedar Tree= February 9 through February 18th or
August 14 through August 23rd
The tree of confidence=traits this person may
rare beauty,adapts well, enjoys luxury, good
health, never shy, can be judgmental, selfconfident,
determined, can be impatient, enjoys
impressing others, one who has many talents,
waits for true love,able to make fast and quick
decisions, industrious.
Chestnut Tree=May 15th through May 24th or
November 12th through November 21st
The tree of honesty=traits this person may carry=
unusual beauty,chooses to be in the shadows,
since of justice is developed well, born diplomat,
easily irritated and sensitive with company due to
lack of confident, can appear at times to
Cypress Tree= January 25th through February 3rd
or July 26th through August 4th
The tree of faithfulness=traits this person may
strong,adaptable, takes life’s offers, content,
optimistic, craves knowledge and money, dislikes
loneliness, passionate lover which never seems
content, fast tempted, can be rebel and careless.
Elm Tree= January 12th through January 24th or
July 15th through July 25th
The tree of noble mildness=traits this person may
modest demands, tasteful cloths, rarely forgives
mistakes, cheerful, dislikes obeying, rather be
leader, honest and faithful partner, generous,
since of humor good.
Fig Tree= June 14th through June 23rd or
December 12th through December 21st
The tree of sensibility=traits this person may
very strong, can be willed, will never allow
arguments or contradictions, loves life
with family-children and animals, can be a social
butterfly; can be lazy but practical talent and
Fir Tree=January 2nd through January 11th or July
5th through July 14th
The tree of mysterious=traits this person may
taste is extraordinary, dignity, moody, stubborn,
loves beauty, lots of ego but cares fully, high
standards on family and friends, very modest,
ambitious is high, many talents, rarely content as
a lover, may have many enemies, can be very
Hazel Nut Tree=March 22nd through March 31st
or September 24th through October 3rd
The tree of extraordinary=traits this person may
can be charming, understanding, knows how to
empress, active in social causes, moody, popular,
tolerant, honest.
Hornbeam Tree= June 4th through June 13th or
December 2nd through December 11th
The tree of good taste=traits this person may
cool beauty, can be conceded, good taste, very
little ego, enjoys life to be comfortable,
partner must be kind and sympathy to their
emotions, never really trusts, lacks confidence.
Lime Tree=March 11th through March 20th or
September through September 22nd
The tree of doubt=traits this person may carryaccepts
life’s challenges, dislikes fighting, may
have stress due to labor work,dislikes laziness,
sacrifices for friends, many talents but lacks
applying them, can be a complainer, jealous traits
but loyal.
Maple Tree=April 11th through April 20th or
October 14th through October 23rd
The tree of independence of the mind=traits this
person may carry=
full of imagination, no ordinary person, shy and
reserved,ambitious, proud, has confidence, always
looks for new experiences,at times nervous, can
be complex, memory good, loves life, can be
complicated, wants to impress.
Oak Tree=March 21st through March 30th
The tree of the brave=traits this person may
courageous,robust nature, strong, never lets up,
independent, sensible, dislikes change, grounded,
person of action.
Olive Tree=September 23rd through September
The tree of wisdom=traits this person may have=
loves and enjoys the sun, feelings are kind and
warm, reasonable, balanced, avoids aggression
and violence, can be tolerant, cheerful and calm,
sensitive, free of jealousy, loves to read, loves
company of kindred spirits.
Pine Tree=February 19th through February 28th or
August 24th through September 2nd
The tree of particular=traits this person may
enjoys fare minded people, knows how to make
life comfortable, very active,good companion,
seldom friendly, falls in love fast, but passion
burns out quickly, tends to give up easy, is easily
disappointed,practical and trust worthy.
Poplar Tree=February 4th through February 8th or
May 1st through May 14th
The tree of uncertainty=traits this person may
appears decorative, lacks self-confidence,
courageous when needed, can be
needy, needs pleasant surroundings and goodwill,
can be picky,most of the time lonely, animosity is
high, nature is artistic, very organized, leans
towards philosophy, when situations arise-they
are reliable, takes partnership seriously.
Rowan Tree=April 1st through April 30th or
October 4th through October 13th
The tree of sensitivity=traits this person may
charming,happy, gifted with little ego, steers up
attention, enjoys obstacles of
life, both dependent and independent, good taste,
artistic, emotional yet passionate, rarely forgives
Walnut Tree=April 21st through April 30th or
October 24th through November 1st
The tree of passion=traits this person may carry=
full of contrast,very egotistic, can be very
aggressive, noble, horizon is broad, can be
very spontaneous, ambitions limited, passionate
also very jealous,never compromises.
Weeping Willow Tree=March 1st through March
10th or September 3rd through September 12th
The tree of melancholy=traits this person may
gorgeous but full of sorrow, enjoys beautiful and
tasteful things, enjoys travel,restless, a bit of a
dreamer, can be influenced but not easy to live
with, can be demanding, intuition mild, suffers a
lot in love, will always find anchoring partner.
This is very interesting to me!
Birth Tree Chart
December 21st through 31st Holly Tree
January 1st through 20th Spruce Tree
January 21st through 31st Pine Tree
February 1st through 11th Hazel nut Tree
February 12th through 22nd Alder Tree
February 23rd through March 7th Sallow Tree
March 8th through 20th Ash tree
March 21st through 31st Apple Tree
April 1st through 10th Elm Tree
April 11th through 20th Larch Tree
April 21st through 30th Box Tree
May 1st through 12th Rowan Tree
May 13th through 25th Cherry Tree
May 26th through June 7th Hawthorn Tree
June 8th through 20th Oak Tree
June 21st through 30th Aspen Tree
July 1st through 10th Spindle Tree
July 11th through 21st Linden Tree
July 22nd through 31st Poplar Tree
August 1st through 13th Birch Tree
August 14th through 26th Privet Tree
September 9th through 20th Buckthorn Tree
September 21st through 30th Elder Tree
October 1st through 10th Maple Tree
October 11th through 20th Beech Tree
October 21st through November 12th Juniper Tree
November 13th through 25th Broom Tree
November 26th through December 8th Blackthorn
December 9th through 20th Yew Tree
More meaningful Trees
Ever wonder why you notice a particular tree? This
section will be of great help to you. Happy hunting!
Alder Tree= giving, endurance, strength, passion
Apple Tree= the love tree
Ash Tree= ambition
Aspen Tree= charm, death and protection
Avocado Tree= sexual, love
Bamboo Tree= enlighten, happiness, carefree, good omen,
protects from evil
Banana Tree= fertility, potency, prosperity, luck
Beech Tree= creative
Birch Tree= energy flows here energy grows, gateway to the
Supreme Being, inspirations
Blackthorn Tree= heart, discipline, control
Box Tree= funerary, dedicated to the underworld deities,
reminder of the higher power
Broom Tree= (juniper) humility
Coconut Tree= tree of life, the soul
Cedar Tree= protection, calm, healing, earthly, purification,
the confident
Cherry Tree= love, death, rebirth, to help blood flow
Chestnut Tree= the honesty
Cypress Tree= longevity, purity, spiritual, the faithfulness
Ebony Tree= protection
Eucalyptus Tree= cleansing, healing, to breathe easily,calming
Elm Tree= noble mind
Elder Tree= birth, death, fairy realm, life energy
Fig Tree= mysterious
Folly Tree= melancholy, stupidity
Grapefruit Tree= talents, belief system
Hazelnut Tree= extraordinary
Hornbeam Tree= good taste
Hawthorn Tree= contradiction, consequences, relationships
Juniper Tree= angelic
Larch Tree= communication, bravery
Lime Tree= the doubt, dance
Linden Tree= conjugal love flower, marriage, relations
Mahogany Tree= protection from lighting
Maple Tree= money, love, weddings, independent of mind
Oak Tree= strength, protection, luck, plenty, new career, the brave
Orange Tree= generosity, wisdom
Olive Tree= wisdom
Palm Tree= higher power of bounty, triumph
Peach Tree= immorality
Pine Tree= money, healing, friendship, strength, exorcism, cosmic
power, stability, particular
Poplar Tree= uncertainty
Plum Tree= tree of life, immorality
Plantain Tree= refer to banana tree
Privet Tree= to take over, to spread
Rattan Tree= strength, luck for moving out on one’s own
Redwood Trees= remembrance, strength, longevity
Rowan Tree= sensitivity
Sandalwood Tree= cleansing, grounded, calming
Spruce Tree= pity, fidelity, bounding
Sallow Tree= enchantment
Spindle Tree= your image engraved on my heart
Teak Tree= rare, richness, stability
Tee Tree= healing, cleansing
Walnut Tree= good health, the passion
Weeping Willow Tree= melancholy
Yew Tree= resurrection, faith, sorrow
Yucca Tree= evolution

Ever have that random dinner what does it mean? Ever
received that random basket of fruit and herbs? Ever
wanted to give that meaningful taste to a dear friend or
loved one?
This section should be of help to you.
Almonds (as food) = sharing and discovering secrets, hidden
truth, illumination
Apples (as a food) = magic, prophecy, renewal, youthfulness,
temptation, desires, wisdom, salvation, peace, harmony, health
Apricot (as a food) = aphrodisiac, love, good fortune
Bananas (as a food) = new mothers, honoring the dead, the boss,
male energy
Beans (of any kind) = male children, protection, beginnings,
sunshine, magic, mysticism
Beer= warrior, responsibility, celebrate
Blackberry= emotional pain, lust, courage, sorrow
Blueberry= youth
Bread (of any kind) = spiritual and physical nourishment,
Broth (of any kind) = harmony, oneness, purifying, strength
Cake (of any kind) = celebration, mourning, offering, forgiveness
(same for pie)
Candy= child’s play
Cherry (as a food) = honesty, confession, good omen, education,
(as a tea perfect for woman)
Cinnamon (as a spice) = honors nobility, purify
Chocolate= love, passion, interest
Cloves (as a spice) = romance, mental stimulant, love
Coffee= protection, banishing
Cola (soda of any kid) = friendship, faithfulness, engagement
Corn= harvest, death and rebirth, growth, life, ripeness
Date (as a food) = abundance, calming of the body and mind,
strength, warming, satisfying
Egg= future, birth, rebirth, dreams, possibilities, creation,
solutions, ideas
Fig (as a food) = plenty, peace, knowledge, honesty, resisting
Ginseng (as a spice) = immorality, harmony, virility, great for
Grapes= plenty, peace, sacrifice
Grapefruit (as a food) = luxury, aphrodisiac, good health, lifts
your spirits in winter, cleansing
Lemon (as a food)= protection, love, removes evil, also stills and
contains evil, optimism, focus, loyalty, new beginnings
Melon= good fortune, New Year gift
Mushroom= good leadership, longevity, happiness, knowledge,
wisdom, integrity
Nuts= protection
Oils (of any kind) = to attract
Oranges (as a food) = playfulness, energy, love, friendship, sleep,
fortune good
Peach (as a food) = silence, truth, marriage, longevity
Pear (as a food) = justice, protection, divine love, hope, phallic
Pepper (of all kinds) = protection, male
Salt (of all kinds) = protection, money, purifying, cleansing,
grounding, change
Strawberry= mother goddess, perfection, modesty, good graces
Vanilla (as a spice) = calming, relaxing, sexual, comfort
Vinegar (of any kind) = preserve, cleanse, to heal
Wine or Cocktails= life, truth, salvation, union between sexes,
creative, genius
Anise= cleansing
Cinnamon= protection
Cedar= nobility, calming, balance, sexual, strength, dignity
Clove= love, passion, protection, attracts love
Citrus= protection
Cayenne pepper= protection, stops evil in its tracks
Clary Sage (all kinds of Sages) = relaxing, cleansing, purifying,
protection, banishing, uplifting, vibrant, clearing of unwanted
Dragons Blood= love, protection
Eucalyptus= cooling, breathing, balance, heating, concentration,
Frankincense= reliefs stress, meditation, clearing of negative
Honeysuckle= devotion
Jasmine= attracts spiritual love
Lavender= sexual, calming, protection
Myrrh= focusing, heals wounds of the heart, same traits as
frankincense (great combo)
Orange Blossom= peace, joy, calming, protection, sensual
Patchouli= calming, helps ease worry
Peppermint= sharpening the mind, cooling for headaches
Rose= love, protection, transformation
Rosemary= cleansing, combats fatigue, pampering, helps forget
Sandalwood= grounded, center, thinking clearly, sacred
Tee tree= healing (been known to be used as an antiseptic)
Vanilla= protection, sexual, balance, calming, arouses
Ylang Ylang= reliefs psychological and physical stress
Oils and Candles
What you will find in this section.
• Meaning of oils.
• Seven day candle interpretations.
• Candle color meaning.
• Properly dressing a candle.
Here is a list of the most common oils used when dressing a
candle. Always remember when using herbs along with oils
can intensify much more to your advantage. When dressing
your candle-always remember go in the direction of what
you want. Want to get rid of-rub away from you-you want
something to come to you-rub towards you. Top to bottom is
to bring, bottom to top is to release to get rid of.
Attraction= closer to you
Balm of Gilead= healing
Bend over, Compelling= when dominating someone when you
need them to see your point-sins back to sinners-another thought
Commanding= to force someone to do your bidding
Controlling= to control the actions of others
Black arts, Mars oil of St. Barbara= to thwart an enemy
Cedar= cleansing, protection
Confusion= to confuse another
Exodus= banishing undesired people
Exorcism= banishes bad entities
Fast Luck, Nine Mystery= to change negative from bad to good
High, John the Conqueror= aids in obstacles, hindrance
Holy or Zodiac of person= to banish negative energy projected to
Horne of plenty= necessary money
Jasmine= cleansing, purifying
Jupiter= for business
Lavender= sexual enlighten, to calm
Magnet= come to me
Mars= to dominate, destruction
Mercury= aids communication
Moon= to nurture
Myrrh= peace
Patchouli= to calm
Rose= love, forgiveness
Saint Barbara= protection from bodily harm
Sage= banishing of unwanted spirits
Saturn= dealing past issues
Spiritual Protection, Lotus, Jasmine of Magnolia= protects
from psychic attack
Success= employment
Sun= to dominate, to grow
Spirit or Holy= to draw spirits
Uncrossing, Jinx removing and Holy or Zodiac of person= to
be used after on self when sending back negative energy or dealing
with negative energy of any kind-to banish unwanted influences
Witch bane, Black Cat, Mars= to break a hex, protection or
reverse evil sent to you
Candle Colors
Cranberry (deep red) = first chakra, love, passage to have
Orange= second chakra, strength, success, joy, power
Apricot= second chakra also, gentle strength with joy
Yellow= third chakra, clairvoyance, communication, sudden
changes, air, imagination, to adapt
Green= forth chakra, healing, prosperity, Venus, earth, to
return&regain youth appearance, harmony for the unbalance
health, protection, money
Apple Green= forth chakra also, emotions, healing, protection
Blue= fifth chakra, meditation, tranquility, moon devotion,
inspiration, peace, blessings for holiness, masculine youth of
innocence, business
Light Blue= fifth chakra also, to clear way for communication,
devotion, inspiration
Purple= sixth chakra, spirituality, intuitive, to drive evil away,
royalty, dignity, wisdom, idealism, psychic, manifest,
spirit contact, if black magic is projected at you=burn this
(creates a veil of protection from evil spirit)
Lavender= seventh chakra, intuition, dignity, spiritual
White= seventh chakra also, purity, protection, balance, can be
used with any color for protection of be used for a substitute
other colors are unavailable, truth, positive and powerful
Black= first chakra also, absorbs negative energy, absence of
light coming out of darkness, meditation, purpose, psychic
Pink= forth chakra also, emotion, love, harmony, generates
affection, self-generosity, domestic or love affairs, honors
togetherness, “true” love, gentleness, spirits, fulfillment,
helps break
ill will, dispels gloom and negativity
Hot Pink= joy and sexual pleasure
Magenta= super power, fast, OMNIPOTI
Gold= great fortune, cosmic mind, increases needed material
wealth, understanding, peace, community, to gain fast luck
Brown= cries of success, financial, material plan, earth spirit,
dismiss when down (bury it)
Basic Interpretation of a seven day candles.
Always use compatible herbs and oils
with your
candles for best results -
Explodes or Breaks=
two reasons= when being used for reversal
or protection= something was meant to attack you, negative
surrounds you-on the other hand when you try to dominate
someone, party has protection (beware of the three fold rule
to you when doing dominance-I would never recommend this)
Candle never seems to burn=
two reasons= when being used for
prosperity or protection, your surrounded by negative
energy ,smudge now
area with sage or dragons blood and start over and fresh-on
other hand when being used to dominate-start all over fresh
and new
High Flame= two reasons= when being used for prosperity or
protection, high and hard speed is happening-fast speed
working when being used
to dominate- person has no spiritual connection-so
energy will move slowly
Low Flame=
two reasons= bad environment, cleanse area clean of all
opposing and
negative energy-use floor wash- when being used to
has guardians-spirits beware
Votive glass is totally black=
two reasons= someone is putting
witchcraft on you-burn reversal candle right way and cleanse
Environment-when being use for dominate-spirits are fighting
back-party will be warned-beware!!!
Top part of votive is black=
two reasons= was met with negative
energy before you started-or on other hand-negative energy
candle was removed and reversed-
Bottom half of votive is black=
two reasons= when used for
prosperity or protection or even luck-negative was sent to you
and it
was stopped-when used to harm someone or dominate
someone spirit
alarmed person and it was reversed-beware!!! Never restart let
it goes!
Burns to one side= one reason= half way effective-wrong
candle or dressing being used-
Glass cracks=
two reasons= for self-protection-it broke negative
energy around you-you have hidden enemies-when being used
dominate-parties protection is broken-ask yourself-do you
want to do this-enter with extreme caution-
Flame crackles= two reasons= when being used for selfprotection
is talking ill about you and has bad intentions- when being
used to dominate-party is thinking of you78
More than one flame= two reasons= center flame is self-other
flames surrounding center flame are enemies around youwhen
being used to dominate-party has others helping them-
one reason= spirits are working and around-
The whole top of votive with wick is on fire=
one reason=
being fought by a guardian angel or spirit-most likely will
never work-
Flame goes out in the middle=
two reasons= when used for self protection
negative energy was sent your way-your spirits were
caught off guard-they lacked strength to fight back-burn white
candle right way and smudge area with sage asp-when being
used to
dominate=party was warned because their spirits lacked
strength to
fight back-burn another candle right away-
Extinguish and relight latter= one reason= to be done only on
Wick goes back on=
one reason= spirits are detecting yin/yang
energy around you-
Candle burns out before seven days=
two reasons= when being
used for reversal-burn another right away for there is negative
energy around you-when used for prosperity-working really
and another should be burned-when being used to dominate=
parties spirit is fighting you off-soon will have effectbeware!!!
Blast Number Page-the basic meaning
behind numbers 1-7!
• 1 Strong will, unity, purity
• 2 Duality, harmony, (yin/yang)
• 3 Magic, intuition, (holy trinity-3 fold rule)
• 4 Stability, grounded (nature)
• 5 Travel, adventure, journey
• 6 Sincerity, love, truth
• 7 Magic, mystery, enlightens
Numerology chart
1 2 3 4 5 7 8 9
a b c d e f g h i
j k l m n o p q r
s t u v w x y z
Birth date= master number
Full name= destiny number
Vowels= soul number
6-2-1971=6 +2+1+9+7+1=26=2+6=8
Marisa Gumercinda Stephens
4+1+9+9+1+1=17=1+7=8 (first name-do the same for middle
and last name- add those numbers and break it down-never
break down 11 or 22-they are sacred numbers)
Numerology Meanings
• 1 Ambitious, independent and self sufficient
• 2 Supportive, diplomatic and analytic
• 3 Enthusiastic, optimistic, fun, loving
• 4 Practical, traditional, serious
• 5 Adventurous, mercurial, sensual
• 6 Responsible, careful, domestic
• 7 Spiritual, eccentric, bit of loner
• 8 Money oriented, decisive, stern
• 9 Multi-talented, compassionate, global
11. Is enlighten, intense, high strung, lower vibrations of 2
22. Goal oriented, global planner, inspirational, lower
vibrations of 4
Planets and Zodiacs
What you will find in this section.
• Planet hourly and weekly chart
• Planet influences
• Basics on zodiac signs• How the moon effects zodiac signs/Moon
casting/moon phases.
The influences by nature, for each Planet.
Sun= active vitality, no no on eclipse, swift progress, fast luck,
new, money, instant action
Moon= vegetative, activity, security for knowledge, journeys,
reflects inspiration and energizes emotions, romance, sexual
pursuits, travel pleasure, helps vulnerability, breaking control
from someone-
Mars= motivator, possess both positive and negative
influences, up
must caution, conquer or win, protection. No more controlling
unless trying to control (do u really want to use Mars)
Mercury= adaptivity, skills, commerce, medicine,
counseling,changes, forgiveness, communication
Jupiter= social ability, family, opportunities, group
civic functions, expansion, brings more abundance, gets rid of
vanity, business, winter for luck and glory-
Venus= natural, protect, physical, perfection, harmony, power
love, encourages true love, fertility, music, art, craftsmanship,
economics and beauty-
Saturn= crystallization, slows down, thwarts, restricts, limits
according to natural law, finding lost objects or stolen goods,
to get
someone to reveal secrets or hidden knowledge, helps selfcontrol
with meditating, hours good for collecting herbs
moon in earth
sign=money or relief. Practical, saving and beneficial never
Uranus= everything that is unpredictable or sudden, brings
unexpected and unpleasant surprises-
Neptune= spiritual insights, illusions, hidden, stimulates
imagination and dreams, artistic inspirations, downside deals
drugs and alcohol additions, false idealism, like Uranus can
overpower Saturn-
Pluto= redemption, purge, power, good and evil, influences
Basic information on Zodiac Signs.
Aries= March 21st through April 19th
Element: fire
Ruling Planet: Mars
Rules: face and head
Keyword Trait: pioneer spirit, leadership
Taurus= April 20th through May 20th
Element: earth
Ruling planet: Venus
Rules: throat, neck, cervical, vertebrae,
Keyword Traits: stubbornness, endurance, perseverance
Gemini= May 21st through June 21st
Element: air
Ruling planet: Mercury
Rules: lungs, arms, head, nervous system
Keyword Traits: versatility
Cancer= June 22nd through July 22nd
Element: water
Ruling planet: Moon
Rules: stomach, breasts, digestive system
Keyword Traits: emotional drive, nurturing
Leo= July 23rd through August 22nd
Element: fire
Ruling planet: Sun
Rules: spinal cord, heart, back
Keyword Traits: power, action
Virgo= August 23rd through September 22nd
Element: earth
Ruling planet: Mercury
Rules: abdomen, reproductive system for women, intestines
Keywords Traits: detailed, dedication, order
Libra= September 23rd through October 22nd
Element= Air
Ruling Planet: Venus
Rules: diaphragm and lower back
Keyword Traits: balance
Scorpio= October 23rd through November 21st
Element: water
Ruling planet: Pluto and Mars
Rules: rectum, reproductive system of sexual organs
Keyword traits: transformation, regeneration
Sagittarius= November 22nd through December 21st
Element: fire
Ruling planet: Jupiter
Rules: liver, hips, thighs, hepatic system
Keyword Traits: freedom, idealism
Capricorn= December 22nd through January 19th
Element: earth
Ruling planet: Saturn
Rules: bones, knees, skin
Keyword Traits: self-discipline, materialism
Aquarius= January 20th through February 18th
Element: air
Ruling planet: Uranus
Rules: shins, ankles, circulatory system
Keyword Traits: freedom and individuality
Pisces= February 19th through March 20th
Element” water
Ruling Planet: Neptune
Rules: feet and toes external only-also internal lymphatic
Keyword Traits: mysticism, compassion, emotional
Moon Influences on Zodiacs
Moon in Aquarius= fixed sign, air, mental, intellectual,
stable, unchangeable, new, different, revolution-
Moon in Pisces= mutable, water, deceptive, highly emotional,
confusion, clearing, throwing energy of track, retreat,
REST, beware of “psychic vampires”, amusement,
try to celebrate-if you can-dance under the moonlight
Moon in Scorpio= fixed, water, stable, unchangeable,
emotional, never use personal spells during this timerepercussions
are extreme-
Moon in Sagittarius= mutable, fierce, optimism, pessimism,
creative, aggressive, self-improvement to accomplish higher
and goals, expansion during waxing of the moon, school
Moon in Capricorn= cardinal, earth, materialistic mostly
innovative, energetic, practical money, necessary material, no
injustice or cruelty at least at this time, could suffer drastic
Moon in Leo= fixed sign, fire, aggressive, stable, creative,
unchangeable, flamboyant rituals, many candles are a must,
impressing money for someone else-
Moon in Virgo= mutable, earth, active, passive, materialistic,
money for home, healing for people and animals, good time
dressing candles-
Moon in Libra= cardinal, air, innovative, intellectual, perfect
time to beautify your temple, creative time for tool making for
rituals (prayer beads, candles, baths, etc.)
Moon in Aries= cardinal, fire, creative, good for beginning and
making changes-
Moon in Taurus= fixed, earth, stable, practical, protective,
materialistic, aiding spells and night life an astral
Moon in Gemini= mutable, air, good time to charge candles,
mental, preparing for work, calculations, mainly mental-
Moon in Cancer= cardinal, water, energy, innovating,
emotional, domination, compelling and controlling-
Moon Castings
First quarter= waxing=right potion of moon is
Full Moon= moon reaches exactly with sun, totally
Last quarter= waning= left portion of moon is
New Moon= sun and moon are in conjunction=total
• Waxing= life energy on earth, increases active,
• Waning= life energy decreases, banishes or
The Interpretation of tarot cards
The Suites
basic Celtic cross spread
water, love, emotions-
Physical Traits: light brown hair fair skin
Wands or Rods or even Staffs= fire, defend,
Physical Traits: red or blonde hair
air, caution, protection
Physical Traits: dark hair and either blue or
hazel eyes
Pentacles= earth, money, work
Physical Traits: dark hair, dark eyes
Major Arcane
0 the Fool= unexpected new beginnings and joineries,
leap of
faith, remember child’s play-
Caution when reversed: carelessness, vane, neglectful-
1 The Magician= strong will, determine to reach goals,
Caution when reversed: yin/yang, keep balance93
2 High Priestess= wise, calm, intuition and secrets
Caution when reversed: too passionate, conceited,
defensive, know it
3 Empress= nurturing, dominate, joy and prosperity,
self indulgent
at times, sexual, fertility, passionate-
Caution when reversed: hard time showing emotions,
desires truth-
4 Emperor= firm yet fair, powerful influence,
Caution when reversed: can be flexible and
5 Hierophant or High Priest= spiritual advise from
those you
can trust-
Caution when reversed: be very careful of who you
confine in-
6 Lovers= risky commitments, but complete love when
difficulties are overcome-
Caution when reversed: rocky start, rebellion against
effort needed
7 Chariot= triumph in battle, forceful character, lacks
Caution when reversed: quarrels, weakening of will,
dispute could
lead to legal side-one will defeat-
8 Strength= never give up-
Caution when reversed: weakness, abusing of one’s
9 Hermit= time to be quite, search within for wisdomone’s
Caution when reversed: reclusive to point of
fearfulness, paranoia
10 Wheel of Fortune= ending of a cycle, fate takes over-
Caution when reversed: over whelming challenges, take
control of
your events so you gain over the top increase, never
miss the boat-
11 Justice= unpleasant events, trying to put wrongs to
Caution when reversed: severe hatred, someone trying
to punish
12 Hanged Man= consequences and self-sacrifice to
Caution when reversed: narrowed minded, bowing to
peer pressure-
13 Death= drastic changes, the end is only the
Caution when reversed: refusal to change due to fear-
14 Temperance= patient to a point, inner growth is
Caution when reversed: emotional
15 Devil or Chains= obsessions and illusion-
Caution when reversed: caution of weakening your
16 Tower= divesting events and unexpected strife, yet
intervention of fate, change for new beginnings-
Caution when reversed: imprisonment
17 Star= renewal and success after loss, faith returns-
Caution when reversed: pettiness
18 Moon= look for truth
Caution when reversed: deception, error, lost in
19 Sun= great future
Caution when reversed: in order for success-courage is
20 Judgment= a spiritual rebirth, forgiving and
forgiveness and also faults, time for positive change-
Caution when reversed: unwilling to except change,
coward, and weakness
21 World= good things to come, end of voyage,
possible change of
residence, maturity-
Caution when reversed: stagnation, delays, fixed state
of isolation
Minor Arcana
Wand, Rods or Staffs
Remember: fire, ambitions,
protectors, defenders
Physical Traits: someone with
red or blonde hair
King of Rods= honest, wise and charming,
unexpected good
Caution when reversed: arrogant, impatient,
idealistic, impending
Queen of Rods= pure, loveable, desire for
material wealth in
practical matters, happy social times-
Caution when reversed: deceit, infidelity and
Knight of Rods= positive changes are coming,
unexpected good
news, energetic person, well liked, head strong,
departure or
possible change of residence-
Caution when reversed: interruption of plans
Page or Knave of Rods= eager, faithful, innocent
lover, open
minded and very positive, look beyond illusion-
Caution when reversed: dangerous rival, laziness,
unstable, possible
bad news-
Ace of Rods= freedom from things holding you
back, creativity,
innovation and enterprise, birth, fortune, family
Caution when reversed: chaotic period, loss of
Two of Rods= be careful what you desire and
manifest, no
marriage, strong will, wants wealth and reaches-
Caution when reversed: keep balance-
Three of Rods= self-sacrifice, heroic deed,
established trade,
patience and planning-
Caution when reversed: must have willing efforts
to seek end to
Four of Rods= harmony due to hard work,
deserving rest-
Caution when reversed: hard working
Five of Rods= unable to see obstacles, with skill
and foresight
you will achieve-
Caution when reversed: probable betrayal and
Six of Rods= messenger of good news, success
after struggle-
Caution when reversed: fear of disloyalty,
pessimistic attitude,
Seven of Rods= discussion, challenges to
overcome, important
message, determination to reach goal-
Caution when reversed: anxiety, make sure to
have confidence-
Eight of Rods= opportunities await, rapid
movement for
progress to reach goals-
Caution when reversed: slow down and way
options, jealousy-
Nine of Rods= cycle of completion, need more
strength and determination to overcome
Caution when reversed: confusion and obstacles-
Ten of rods= heavy burden due to trappings of
success, law suite
can be defeated-
Caution when reversed: setting impossible goals,
Remember: water, emotion,
Physical traits: light brown
hair and fair skin
King of Cups= unsteady emotions, professional on business,
interested in art and science
Caution when reversed: rouge
Queen of Cups= strong psychic feelings-
Caution when reversed: never trust
Knight of Cups= invitation or message, questing for love but
lacks commitment, deep involvement-
Caution when reversed: fraud or trickery, easily influenced-
Knave or Page of Cups= artistic of psychic, bringer of news,
emotional risk-
Caution when reversed: seduction and deception-
Ace of Cups= new relationship, contentment, cycle of
Caution when reversed: instability, false heart-
Two of Cups= time to make peace-
Caution when reversed: misunderstanding, false love-
Three of Cups= uncover the truth, celebration, happy events,
healing solace-
Caution when reversed: departure and independence from
Four of Cups= emotionally withdrawn, creating troubles with
zero consideration for others-
Caution when reversed: new relationship, novelty-
Five of Cups= emotional loss, sorrow, regret, bitter sweet
inheritance or marriage-
Caution when reversed: a return, new alliances
Six of Cups= memories and friends-
Caution when reversed: will pass, gained knowledge-
Seven of Cups= fantasies lead to temper choices,
Caution when reversed: determination, will and desire is
Eight of Cups= turning back on happiness, ignoring past
concerns, cut your losses-
Caution when reversed: feasting life’s rewards-
Nine of Cups= triumph and success-
Caution when reversed: imperfections seem magnified, truth
Ten of Cups= secure family life-
Caution when reversed: violence, troubled heart, fear and
Remember: air, intellect,
communication, conflict
Physical traits: blue or hazel eyes with
dark color hair
King of Swords= destructive, need accurate thinking-
Caution when reversed: careless and impatient-
Queen of Sword= accustom to getting their way, familiar with
sorrow and embarrassment, new opportunities-
Caution when reversed: deceitful
Knight of Swords= destructive, violent agreements-
Caution when reversed: careless
Knave or Page of Swords= beware of trickery, watches and
awaits opportunities-
Caution when reversed: more sinister traits
Ace of Swords= grand powerful new beginning-
Caution when reversed: conception of childbirth, greater
Two of Swords= stalemate, who is blind to the truth-
Caution when reversed: false identity, ill intentions, disloyalty-
Three of Swords= heartache, departure, rejection, grief
Caution when reversed: confusion, error, distraction and
Four of Swords= rest period, make the best of it-
Caution when reversed: organize thoughts, follow wisely
Five of Swords= betrayal, deceit, honor is a price for conquest,
Caution when reversed: signifies burial or funeral rites-
Six of Swords= have closure before travel-
Caution when reversed: confession revealed-maybe declaration
of love-
Seven of Swords= con artist, tricks for personal gain, mind
Caution when reversed: slander
Eight of Swords= powerless, bad news, possible sickness,
Caution when reversed: possible fatality, an accident,
Nine of Swords= disappointment and regret, balancing karma-
Caution when reversed: shame, suspicion, imprisonment-
Ten of Swords= major life changes that are sudden yet
unexpected failure due to over abuse of power-
Caution when reversed: profit and success are temporary,
power authority
Remember: earth, health, practical
concerns, money
Physical traits: raven air and dark eyes
King of Pentacles= loyal leader, nature soothes-
Caution when reversed: corruption, could be warning of
Queen of Pentacles= struggles before gain-
Caution when reversed: could be mistrusting-
Knight of Pentacles= no stranger to hard work, friends you
can rely on, spiritual realms are aided-
Caution when reversed: lingering carelessly-
Knave of Page of Pentacles= dream message-
Caution when reversed: unfavorable news, fickle person-
Ace of Pentacles= unexpected help, over seer, diligent-
Caution when reversed: great riches bring corruption
Two of Pentacles= message to come, juggling of money
Caution when reversed: exchange of letters, beware of false
of events-
Three of Pentacles= a noble rank among artists, people
acknowledge ones trade from skilled labor, opportunity-
Caution when reversed: emotions of envy and disapproval,
Four of Pentacles= financial security, beware of spoiling-
Caution of when reversed: kept in suspense-
Five of Pentacles= money losses, beware of over spending that
leads to embarrassment-
Caution when reversed: same but lesser degree-
Six of Pentacles= abundance, sharing with others-
Caution when reversed: illusion of security-
Seven of Pentacles= invitation to act upon, no time for rest or
complain, gain through efforts-
Caution when reversed: anxiety about money-
Eight of Pentacles= rewards from work through craftsmanship
or turning hobbies into business-
Caution when reversed: overly ambitious-
Nine of Pentacles= material well being,one who benefits from
prudent nature-
Caution when reversed: unfinished project, mistrust, deception
Ten of Pentacles= plan future in order to have complete family
home life, support from family and friends-
Caution when reversed: drowning of pension, losing to game
chance, loss or possible theft
written by Marisa G. Stephens aka Mama Coco (2011/2014)
Description of the 3rd Eye Compass:
3rd Eye Compass is a book and a tool designed for those who desire to
seek and to expand their awareness and too become more complete
within oneself, the Spirit/Divine and others. To help one cross the
threshold and to never be afraid to challenge the mind. Please use this
tool with purity of love for it will aid you always!
Pure and simple to the point ;) much space left for you to add your own
personal notes-i encourage it!!
Photography Photo Art by MGstephens
crystal tarot on major arcana FREE CLASS

This is the very formula of how my 3rd Eye Compass Book Came about. I started this notebook in 1985 with random 3rd Eye
experiences that i learned on my own through conversations with neighbors,coworkers and random people at the bus stop.

3rd Eye Compass the Mission

To help the world listen to everyday signs that Spirit/Divine is trying to tell us, whether it be a confirmation, message or validation
You never know what Spirit/Divine sign will be found or given that can relate to a piece of the puzzle and make a moment or a thought yet complete. This can leave one with relief and comfort to aiding in opening their own personal 3rd Eye experience, while maintaining living in their own personal truth. 3rd Eye Compass is based according to my personal 3rd Eye life experiences, which I have passed on to many who have received great results when dealing with confirmation, validation, or messages.

Description of the 3rd Eye Compass:
3rd Eye Compass is a book and a tool designed for those who desire to seek and to expand their awareness and too become more complete within oneself, the Spirit/Divine and others. To help one cross the threshold and to never be afraid to challenge the mind. Please use this tool with purity of love for it will aid you always!
Pure and simple to the point much space left for you to add your own personal notes-i encourage it!!

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